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“Making jewellery is all about creating wearable unpredicted forms”
— Jin Ah Jo

Day 45: Work 45. New perfect shape

Day 45: Work 45. New perfect shape

While I was making this perforated ring ready for yellow I thought I could make either bigger size of similar ring or any DIFFERENT shape I can use for part of earrings.

perforated rings and drop shape earrings

perforated rings and drop shape earrings

Perforated rings are made by using mandrel and ring stretcher however, these two new drop shapes are also by handling mandrel and hammer.

For the perfect Geometric Shapes they need perfect straight lines and calculated consistent curves. This need also affects when it is physically fabricated and made. It is quite different process from creating digitally perfect shape as on the process you need to consider the material you use for the object. However, that is why it is more real and I am able to be awake.

Day 46 : Work 46. The process and twigs for the balls

Day 46 : Work 46. The process and twigs for the balls

Day 44 : Work 44. Undercoat white

Day 44 : Work 44. Undercoat white